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电视剧 《永远》剧情介绍

《永远》主演:玛娅·鲁道夫 弗莱德·阿米森 凯瑟琳·基纳 诺亚·罗宾斯 金·惠特利 朱莉娅·奥蒙德 奥巴·巴巴图德 彼得·威勒 的电视剧 该剧剧情: June and Oscar are a married couple who live a comfortable-but-predictable life in suburban California. For years, they've had the same conversations, eaten the same meals, and taken vacations at the same rented lakehouse. But when June talks Oscar into shaking things up by taking a ski trip, the couple suddenly find themselves in completely unfamiliar territory -- raising questions about love, commitment and their marriage.达达兔影院欧美剧栏目为您提供《永远》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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